Tax Tips for Newlyweds

As an old saying says, “Marriage is joy doubled and sorrow halved.” If you put filing your taxes under the “sorrow” column, that’s definitely true—you now have someone to share the stress of filing with. But filing taxes as a newly marrie… Read More

Tax Rules for Vacation Rental Properties

A vacation rental property is not only a source of income, but often a wise investment. Real estate, especially in desirable areas, tends to appreciate in value. There are other advantages, too: vacation rentals can diversify your investment portfoli… Read More

Tax Tips for Ohio Snowbirds

Ohio is a wonderful place to live, but Ohio winters can be a little tough to take. That’s why over 50,000 Ohioans spend more than a month each year in Florida—and many spend much longer. In fact, more snowbirds come from Ohio than any other state… Read More

Environmental Tax Credits for Businesses

More and more businesses are “going green”—operating in a way that’s better for the environment. Going green not only benefits the planet, it can also be good for business; many people prefer to do business with environmentally-conscious comp… Read More

Tax Benefits of Conservation Easements: Preserving Land and Wealth

Land is a finite resource. With every passing year, it seems, more and more commercial buildings and residential developments spring up in what was formerly green space. While many people lament these changes, it is difficult to blame landowners for… Read More

Challenges for Businesses With Ecommerce Sales Tax

Some of us are old enough to remember a time when, if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave your home and go to a store (or order it from a catalog and wait weeks for it to arrive). But for the last few decades, and especially the last few ye… Read More

How Does Temporarily Closing a Business Affect Taxes?

If you own a business, you know that any interruption of your operation affects your revenue. But how does temporarily closing a business affect taxes? A closure for a day or so, such as for a brief illness or power outage, might not have much of an… Read More

Tax Tips for Freelancers and Gig Workers

Working for yourself offers so many benefits: flexibility, the opportunity to be creative, and control over your own career and future. The flip side, of course, is that you are responsible for everything—including figuring out your income taxes. W… Read More

Retirement Plan Spousal Beneficiary Changes Under SECURE 2.0

The federal Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in 2019 to increase access to tax-advantaged retirement accounts, and to help ensure that aging Americans didn’t outlive their retirement savings. The Consoli… Read More

Employers’ Guide to Payroll Tax

When people think of starting a business, they typically look forward to creating and selling a useful product, providing a needed service, interacting with customers or clients, and creating jobs in their community. No one daydreams about sitting at… Read More