A vacation rental property is not only a source of income, but often a wise investment. Real estate, especially in desirable areas, tends to appreciate in value. There are other advantages, too: vacation rentals can diversify your investment portfoli…
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Working for yourself offers so many benefits: flexibility, the opportunity to be creative, and control over your own career and future. The flip side, of course, is that you are responsible for everything—including figuring out your income taxes. W…
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If you’re like most people, you would probably prefer almost any activity to sitting down and preparing a tax return. Of course, if you expect to owe, you know you need to file taxes. And if you’re expecting a refund, the only way to get it is to…
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When the coronavirus pandemic descended in early 2020, the world was caught unprepared. Businesses in the United States and elsewhere experienced major disruption, and governments took action to keep businesses and the economy afloat. Unfortunately,…
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Five years ago, most people had barely heard of cryptocurrency. Even a year or two ago, most people didn’t own any. But recently, cryptocurrency has increasingly burst into the public awareness, and more and more people are investing in it — perh…
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When you buy real estate, especially your own home, your primary concern probably isn’t what price you will get for it when you sell it. But when you do get around to selling that real estate, you certainly don’t want to sell it for less than you…
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If you miss a quarterly estimated tax payment, you may need to pay penalties and interest. Estimated tax payments are due each quarter for federal and state income taxes. Also, they are used to pay self-employment tax. Most people who work as an empl…
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Electronic sports, or e-sports, income is taxable to gamers who make money from participating in online gaming. Professional gaming has taken off in the past few years with some even making millions! The IRS defines income broadly. Any income receive…
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Selling the family home and wondering how the sale is going to affect your taxes? The good news is for most homeowners, when it comes time to sell, the profit is now tax-free. To qualify for the tax-free exclusion of profit from the sale of your home…
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When thinking about your estate and beneficiaries, it can be easy to overlook taxes. But, for the people that do have life insurance and think about these things, one of the most common questions is: Are life insurance payouts taxable? First, congrat…
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